Amazon has selected 20 finalist cities in its competition to place the 50,000 jobs and $5 billion intended for its second headquarters. The new …
There is no community of one. This section is a collection of information and stories that address how we live with one another and interact with the natural and built environments. You can see stories about water policy, politics, residential and commercial construction, and discussions about how we as individuals can contribute to collective action. Feel free to add your voice by submitting a comment or asking a question.
Amazon has selected 20 finalist cities in its competition to place the 50,000 jobs and $5 billion intended for its second headquarters. The new …
The lead story in the Sunday, 11/17/13, New York Times is headlined “Growing Clamor About Inequities of Climate Crisis – Restitution Demanded – …
In about 1980 my father answered my concerns about human-caused changes to natural systems, which I argued endangered us with the comment, “They’ll find some …
More than 40 years ago I decided that working to limit human-caused environmental deterioration would be my lifetime public service commitment. It seemed obvious then, …
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