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One of the areas in which our consumption is out of balance with our ability to renew and replenish the environment is energy. This section will look at how we use energy, the sources of energy and strategies for using less energy.

Energy Use

Car Man for Tesla

Car Man for Tesla

Designation of the electric Tesla S as “Car of the Year” heralds the dawning of the Age of the Electric Car. …

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Reality and a Carbon Tax

Reality and a Carbon Tax

Elections have consequences, and a renewed Obama Administration and a chastened Republican Party just might get facts and politics together enough to enact a significant …

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Coal Passions

Coal Passions

Just as a coin has two sides, environmental stories are about conflicts between legitimate, understandable human interests. Today’s New York Times has a front-page story …

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Cooler Smarter

Cooler Smarter

A Barnes & Noble Booksellers store nearby sells a rapidly-growing number of books on energy and on the environment which I scanned. Some authors assumed …

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